Unusual Band Names
This page was inspired by a Jello Biafara lecture
Real Bands with Funny Names
- 13th Floor Elevators - Austin, TX psychedelic band
- 57 Lesbian
- Accidental Goat Sodomy
- Alien Sex Fiend
- All Hat, No Horse
- AstroPop
- Bongwater Taffee - seen on a bar sign in Cocoa Beach, FL
- Butthole Surfers
- Camper Van Beethoven
- The Flaming Isotopes - A. Dudler's fake punk band
- The Four Nikators - long-lived Boulder, CO band
- Foxymorons
- Funkiphino
- Garage-a-trois
- The Gasoline Lollipops
- Gay Bikers on Acid
- Go Nads, Go
- Green Chili Burp and the Aftertastes - Eric Lipscomb from the MIDI FAQ
- The Guitar Stranglers
- Hairball
- Hoodie Allen
- Infected Mushroom
- Jimmy Eat World
- Jody Foster's Army
- Lothar and the Hand People - Lothar was a Theremin
- The Measles - Early Joe Walsh band
- Mickey Rat - Washington DC area punk musician from the early 80s
- Moron Tabernash Choir - 1970s group from Tabernash, CO
- Mythical Ethical Icicle Trycicle - alternate name for the Grateful Dead
- Naughty Frogs
- New Fast Automatic Daffodils
- Nurse With Wound
- Pigeons Playing Ping Pong
- Public Foot The Roman
- The Rude Goldbergs - Boulder, CO
- Screaming Asparagus
- The Soft Machine - Dallas' Got One
- Stirrup Trouble - Longmont, CO
- Technical Difficulties - short lived Boulder, CO band in the 80s
- Terry Dactyl and the Dinosaurs
- Tonto's Expanding Head Band - 1970s psychedelic band
- Twiddle
- Victoria's Secretion
- Warlock Pinchers
- Ween
- The White Trash Debutantes - San Francisco Punk Band
There seems to be a trend here:
- Humanure
- Mucis - Boulder, CO band
- Pee
- Snot
Unusual Names for New Bands
- Adamant Eve and the Holey Apples
- The Ambidexterous Dyslexics
- Appalachian Aberration
- The Artful Todgers
- The Aural Sectarians
- The Bat Monkeys
- The Braindead Machos
- Bubble Yuk
- Buckwheat and the O-Tays
- Caesar's Lesions - via Chris B.
- Chief Niwot's Curse
- Cleavage
- Code Nine Mary
- Comfort Noise
- The Copulation Explosion
- Dawn Surprise
- Daylight Slavings Time
- Divine Losers - Kesey
- Dog Breath
- A Dog's Breakfast
- Dog Spit
- The Draconian Overtones - from Joe R.
- The Drool Patrol, a.k.a. The Salivation Army
- Dyslexic Relevations
- Eggs 'n Seeds
- The Event Horizon
- The Ever-Changing Group of Friends
- Extatic Electricity
- The Fainting Goats
- The Flaming Sh*t Bags - via Lara Z.
- Four Beaver Hat
- Funny Religious Hats
- The Geologists (a rock band)
- Gleep
- Grok
- Gronk
- Headstash
- The Hee Haw Hoes
- The Hindu Gym Shoes - via Bart S.
- Ibuprofanity
- Jingnastics
- The Klezbians - via Joe R.
- Lesbian Chainsaw
- M.T. Void
- The Moroccan Rollers
- Multiple Units - a police band
- The New Normal
- Patient Zero
- Perfumigation
- Permanent Structural Damage
- The Pikers
- Pomp and Decadence
- Pretentious Beatnicks
- Ranky Stanky
- Real People, Not Actors
- RecycLED - good name for a Led Zep cover band
- Riff-Raf
- Rhythmic Babble
- Schlockmeister
- Schloshed
- The Schmegarettes
- The Secreters
- The Strange Attractors
- Sheer Stupidity
- Snork
- The Sloppy Seconds
- Solid Veneer
- Spacetime
- Strong Genes and Bad Habits
- Subspace Chatter
- Suicide by Meth
- The Sunday Monkeys - as in: Sunday Monkey vont très bien ensemble
- The Synaptic Cleft
- The Texan Connection
- The True Beleaguers - Via Paul D.
- Three Chords and an Attitude - Via Paul D.
- The Twang Bangers - via Joe R.
- Tone Deaf & Arrogant
- Twang
- Ugli
- The Ulnar Groove
- The Vegan Pagans
- Venus Envy - from Joe R.
- T.P. Hoarder and the Pandemics
- The Vocal Minority
- Wayne Gibbous and the Moonlighters
- White T
- Wide Eyed Grinnin'
- The Winjers
- World War 4
- Wyrd
- Yadda Yadda Odyssey
- You Reeka
- The Young Livers
- The Yuppie Tribe
Food Names
- Belching Seefood
- The Candy Sploofers - via Heather P.
- The Egg Roll Rappers - a Chinese Hip-Hop band
- Kosher Bacon
- Peas Unearthed
- Pork Sushi
- Tahini and the Beans
- Tastes Like Chicken
- Tuff Muffin
Names using the Apostrophe
- Bump 'n the Uglies
- Critters 'n Varmints
- Fat 'n Sassy
- Grind 'n the Pubes
- Hock 'n the Loogies
The crux of the bis'cuit is the apostrophe -FZ
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